Supernova on Twine Read online

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  Zane pressed the reply button. He assumed the turbo lift was monitored, so decided to play it cool. “The caution panel lit up. As a precaution I stopped the lift. We don’t want Erkla’s prize prisoners plummeting to their deaths, now do we?”

  “I see no warning light on my control panel for that sector. Are you sure?”

  “Let me check again.” Zane pressed a few more buttons. There were no warnings or anything that could even remotely resemble a problem, but he had to give Tink and Mirko the best chance they had of waking up from a drug induced haze. Time…no, seconds were important. “Oh, my mistake. Seems the panel is a bit loose here and it may have caused a short or something like that. False alarm.”

  “Very well.” The Banshan didn’t sound convinced. Zane hoped he hadn’t blown it before they even had a chance to get out of the turbo lift. The last thing they needed right now was a half a dozen warriors waiting for them when the doors opened, weapons at the ready and attitudes to match.

  Zane switched off the communicator and flicked the lift reactivation switch. In that moment, Tink came to life. He swung his bound hands around wildly, striking Zane and Mirko in the process. Zane was thrown to the floor, but decided to not say or do anything until they were clear out of the lift and they were no longer monitored. To try and soothe his lover now, to reassure Tink he wasn’t controlled by a shadow eternal, could possibly result in them being re-captured and the nasty variety of eternals inserted into their bodies.

  Mirko also became animated.

  Both cat beings assisted each other as soon as they must have realised their predicament. Tink said, “Get my Zane, Mirko. Tink will get us out of here.”

  Mirko leaned down and picked up Zane as though he were made of cardboard, but again Zane didn’t do anything. For now, he needed the monitor station officer to believe his abduction was real—well, it was real for now…until Zane could tell them of Motac, anyway.

  Tink clawed at the roof of the turbo lift, removing an access panel after breaking his shackles. Seconds later, he had disappeared into the darkness beyond, offering a hand down to Mirko. One thing was certain about cat beings, they were strong. Zane was lifted out of the turbo lift as if he held no weight—sure, he was a skinny assed twink, but still, if humans were to try what the cat beings did with ease, he’d still be inside the thing.

  It worked, Motac said.

  Not yet. We’ve still got to convince Tink and Mirko I’m on their side.

  That will be the easy part.


  Kiss Mirko.

  Chapter Three

  Emergency entry, Zane’s implanted data storage device. Ship time, unknown. Location, Turbo Lift Access Shaft. Date, unknown. Internal input.

  Zane decided to make a mental entry this time. Man, things worked like a charm. As soon as I kissed Mirko, everythin’ was revealed….that, and my boner. Zoltan is still inside Mirko, good news for a change. I missed Zoltan. He’s cool…for an eternal. It also seems Tink saw the moment where we locked lips and swapped spit and straight away said that we all need to get to a safe place. Motac’s plan worked.

  Of course it worked. I wouldn’t have suggested it if it wouldn’t have had a high probability of success, Motac said, interrupting Zane’s entry.

  Dude, you need to stop buttin’ in when I’m in my own private zone.

  You didn’t announce you were making a diary entry. You just started blathering on. How am I supposed to know you weren’t talking to me?

  “Fine. I’ll announce it next time,” Zane blurted.

  “Announce what?” Mirko asked.

  Zane blushed with embarrassment. “Sorry. I was just arguin’ with my not so imaginary friend.”

  Mirko chuckled. “You’ll get used to it. Zoltan and I took months before we established our mental routines and etiquette.”

  Tink came to them. He had been scouting ahead, making sure the coast was clear as they made their way through the access shafts that seemed to honeycomb through the living crystal of the planet. “Tink has found an antechamber where we can rest.”

  Motac said, Ask Tink if the room is shielded.

  What do you mean? Why would the eternals shield rooms from themselves if this is their homeworld?

  Because the eternals are takers, Motac said matter-of-factly. They took this world from the crystal beings who once lived here eons ago. Many tried to create sanctuaries, but ultimately failed when they were starved out of hiding.

  So the crystal dudes were the first hosts of the eternals?

  In a manner of speaking, yes. But their bodies weren’t fully compatible with for hosting, so they killed them all, moving onto easier prey like the Banshan and humans.

  Zane asked, “Tink, is the room you found shielded? Motac believes there are still pockets where the original inhabitants of Parenthesis hid.”

  Tink nodded. “Yes, my Zane. Tink sees that the room is shielded.”

  “Good,” Mirko said, “We can rest there until we have a more solid plan.”

  We mustn’t rest for too long, Motac said.

  Why the fuck not? I need to get me some cock and you’ve got your promise to keep, buddy.

  Because Parenthesis will arrive at Supernova on Twine within twenty-four hours, that’s why. We must get control access well before then if we’re to make any difference.

  Zane sighed. “Looks like we’ll only have a short break, guys, before we have to make our way to the control room if we’re going to make a difference here. Motac says we’re almost at the human city of Supernova on Twine.”

  Tink nodded, but smiled. There was a glint in his eyes. “Then we’d better make sure we’re quick.”

  Zane knew the look. Tink wanted cock just as much as he did. “I can cum quick when I have to,” he added in a cheeky tone of voice, coming to embrace both Tink and Mirko.

  Mirko returned the hug. “But not too quick.”

  “I heard that,” Zane said with a laugh.

  Once inside the shielded ante-chamber—a room that reminded Zane of the first place they had hidden when on Parenthesis, but without the view—Tink kissed him. No other encouragement was needed.

  The kiss from his man, long and passionate, was enough to let Zane know in no uncertain terms he wanted him, but at the same time, was glad he was okay. As far as Zane was concerned, he was relieved Tink and Mirko and Zoltan were all right. Besides, he didn’t mind at all being a party to some horny reunion sex, especially if it meant they were shielded from the shadow eternals while they did the nasty.

  Zane’s mind was swimming within moments of Tink and Mirko coming to embrace him, his cock hard. All their cocks were hard. If there was one thing Zane loved about his boyfriends, they were eager. Even if the threat of being captured again loomed, for the here and now, they were going to go at it like jack rabbits in mating season.

  At that moment, Motac partially moved out of Zane—not all of him, just enough so Zane could catch a glimpse when the coalition eternal’s hand grabbed his cock and started jacking him off.

  You’re going to love this, Zane.

  Zane didn’t reply. Tink kissed him some more, tongues dancing, while Mirko groaned as Zoltan revealed himself in the same manner Motac had for Zane. Now both of them were being pleasured from the inside by eternals, both their hard dicks masturbated by a shadowy hand that extended out of their own stomachs.

  Zane, strangely, thought it was rather hot being jacked off in such a way. Perhaps he was getting used to Motac being inside him. Perhaps it was the thought that if he was ever caught without Tink or Mirko for an extended period of time, he could still have someone give him a hand-job without any effort on his part. Gone were the days when Zane used to sit on his hand to make it go numb so that when he stroked himself it felt like it was someone else doing it. He had his own personal pleasure being.

  When parted from his kiss, Tink said, “Tink doesn’t have a friend inside him to play with.”

  Zane gasped, unable to answer straight away. The
reason—Motac was damn good at masturbating him. The eternal’s rhythm was constant. His touch was hard enough and perfect over his sensitive head once he’d retracted Zane’s foreskin. Finally, while watching Mirko having his cock stroked, and with Tink lavishing kisses all over him, he said, “Fuckin’ let’s get it on.”

  None of them wasted any time. Tink lay down with his tail prone to the crystalline ground, a signal that he wanted to be entered first. He was stroking himself, his balls bouncing hypnotically as he worked himself. It seemed all three of them were getting some good quality foreplay before the real action began.

  Which didn’t take long.

  Zane was on his knees within a heartbeat. He sidled close to Tink, grabbing his legs at his knees to open them wider.

  “Tink needs this, my Zane.”

  “So the fuck does Zane,” Zane said, emulating Tink.

  I will enter him with you, Motac said.

  Oh man, that’s hot.

  Even hotter because you don’t have to worry about lubricant. Eternals secrete a natural lubricant that’s slipperier than any substance humans have ever created.

  I didn’t know that, Zane said. How come?

  How else do you think we can enter you without disrupting your cellular makeup?

  Zane looked down at his hard cock now that he had pressed it against Tink’s arsehole. Tink moaned, jacking himself off with more enthusiasm. Zane’s cock was now slicked with eternal lubricant from Motac’s hand, glistening in the light that seemed to permeate the crystal cavern they had found as their temporary sanctuary. It seemed having Motac inside him was a good thing. He didn’t have to worry about carrying tubes of Gun Oil lubricant around anymore. Then again, since he had been Tink’s boyfriend, he hadn’t worn clothes. Phase shifting kind of removed fabric at any rate. Win-win all round.

  He pushed his hardness into Tink with ease—far easier than he’d ever entered his boyfriend before. Tink moaned louder and Zane embraced him, lavishing more and more kisses over the one man he’d want to be with forever and ever.

  Now it’s my turn, Motac said.

  Again, Zane didn’t answer. He was gaining his rhythm, pushing his cock in as deep as it could go, then pulling it out to tease so that Tink would get the most out of their lovemaking. While he did so, he felt Motac’s cock against his. Moments after that sensation, which felt like a sensual rubbing against his hardness, Motac entered Tink as well.

  Tink shouted out with joy, purring loud while he was pleasured by two blokes, one of whom happened to be inside the other.

  Mirko had come behind Zane, touching his arse, preparing him for entry and sending shivers of delight up his spine. Zane didn’t mind at all. He liked taking cock as much as he gave it. Heck, just because he laid his man down didn’t mean he couldn’t accept such a thing in return. In fact, that was one of the things he loved about being gay, about being in the company of other men. He could give and receive, love and be made love to in equal measure.

  Before too long, Mirko entered Zane. It didn’t take long for Zane to figure out Zoltan was joining Mirko the same way Motac had assisted Zane to open up Tink. Zane was being fucked with both a cat being’s and an eternal’s best parts. He loved it.

  Many long pleasurable moments were spent making love—Tink on the ground, legs open wide, writhing with pleasure while Zane and Motac were inside him. What’s more, Mirko and Zoltan did the same to him. They were like a passionate train of love, pumping harder and harder toward their goal. Grunts and groans filled the cavern. As all of them built up a sweat, panting and gasping for breath as they worked, their bonds solidified.

  Zane had to admit, Motac was an asset.

  Would he ever be able to be without Motac? He couldn’t answer that. Sure, Mirko needed Zoltan because he kept the cat being alive because of his injuries sustained all those years ago. Not so with Motac. He served no other purpose than that the eternals thought he was one of them instead of a coalition member.

  Zane could see the amusing side of all of this. He could imagine the eternals reaction if they could see them now. Two cat beings, one human, and two eternals all doing the horizontal folk dance in a line, joined by their rock hard cocks and their love for one another.

  I told you this would be fun, Motac said.

  Zane cried out, “I’m gonna cum!”

  “Do it, my Zane,” Tink said.

  The whole event, all of their writhing bodies, their sweat, their groans, their passion, all seemed to come to a head at once. As soon as Zane felt the unstoppable pangs of orgasm rise up inside him, spurred on to even greater intensity by Mirko and Zoltan’s dicks stimulating his prostate, all of them ejaculated together.

  Even louder cries and hisses through teeth and purring and shouts of victory and moans of delighted and relieved joy rang out to fill the chamber. After Zane had given Tink all he could, and received all Mirko and Zoltan were going to give him, they all collapsed on top of each other.

  With that collapse came tight embraces, long and deep kisses and moments of just staring into each other’s eyes. For an eternity they remained a mess of heated bodies, waiting for their dicks to go flaccid before pulling out properly and separating. That was the gentlemanly thing to do, anyway. Well, it was for Zane. Pulling out while still hard seemed to be a job half done unless his man wanted to taste his jizz or have it splattered all over his face. Otherwise, every drop would be delivered to seal their love.

  I think we should let Tink and Mirko and Zoltan know of our plans, don’t you, Zane?

  Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on. When I’m ready we’ll let them know.

  You liked what we did, didn’t you? Motac’s voice seemed to be gloating. He was right, Zane did enjoy having him inside him, especially seeing as Tink seemed to love it as well. After all, if it only benefitted Zane, then what was the point? Zane liked all of his lovers to be equally treated, and if that meant sharing Motac with them, then so be it.

  I did.

  So you’ll let me stay inside you? Motac asked.

  I s’pose.

  You suppose? You should count yourself lucky. To have a coalition eternal is a blessing. Not many of you hosts can ever experience such joy and retain their own independence. I could easily take you over, make your friends feed me their energy so I can push and pull them though time to fuel my own goals.

  Ah, is that what happened to Jakey when he became Thomas’s bitch?

  What? Motac sounded confused. What are you talking about?

  Zane took in a deep breath. He got up and walked over to the far end of the crystal cavern, leaving Tink and Mirko to kiss and fondle each other. When Thomas was taken over by a shadow eternal Jakey had to feed him—they cock docked so their bodily juices could lubricate the transfer or some shit like that. I don’t fully understand it all, but the eternal needed to feed off Jakey so it could take him through time to manipulate him.

  Yes, that’s right. Motac paused. That’s how the eternals work. They take over a body, then use that person’s lover to give it the strength to send all of them through time—an act, as you say, that helps it manipulate the situation to their advantage. Most times the victim doesn’t even know what’s going on. This Jakey person must have been someone special to get out of an eternal’s grasp.

  Yeah, he’s special all right, Zane mused. He’s one of a kind in fact, and was the only person who believed in me and accepted me for who I was. Without Jakey I’d still be sittin’ on my arse in my dead beat parent’s house gettin’ fat like them.

  Motac said, He sounds like a good man. I hope that I can prove myself to you in the same way, Zane. I think we’re good together.

  Well, if the past hour or so is anythin’ to go by, I believe I could come to accept you, because I know you’re not truly alive unless you have a host—but yeah, I sure appreciate you not doin’ all that time jumpin’ shit to confuse me. That would do my head in. Last time I had an eternal in me, I almost didn’t recover.

  That is the difference between
us and the shadow eternals. We respect our hosts, for they give us life. Without them we are nothing—a fact the others don’t seem to be able to grasp.

  Then I think it’s time we got our butts into gear, Zane said. He walked back over to Tink and Mirko, who were smiling. Contentment filled their faces. God how Zane would love to plug them both up, fuck them good and hard again and again. But he knew they had a job to do. The future space-station city of Supernova on Twine depended on them stopping Parenthesis from reaching them.

  Motac said, I agree. The time has come to kick some shadow eternals where it hurts. But we must have a solid plan. If we’re found out, I don’t think we’ll be as fortunate next time.

  Zane snorted. Yeah, we’ll be killed for sure.

  Too right.

  When Zane was standing over Tink, he said, “Hey Tinkles, Motac has told me what we’ve got to do. You ready to hear it?”

  Tink nodded. “Tink is always ready to fight with his men.”

  Mirko stood. “What do we have to do?”

  Chapter Four

  Emergency entry, Zane’s implanted data storage device. Ship time, unknown. Location, Crystalline sanctuary. Date, unknown. Internal input.

  I told them what we had to do. I told them everything. How we had to act fast because Parenthesis was almost upon Supernova. I also told them we had to remain hidden as much as possible because the whole damn planet of the eternals was out looking for us. Tink had a great idea. We all had to phase shift.

  Zane paused from his entry.

  Tink had already shifted, his skin going translucent within a blink of an eye. Sure, the Banshan had the technology to remove eternals and to disarm a being under phase by bringing him back to the moment, but all they had to do was avoid capture for the here and now. The sensors all over Parenthesis wouldn’t be able to trace them as easily if they rotated their phasing every hour the way the cat being’s space-station did. By the time the Banshan did get a lock, hopefully, they would have shifted again and re-calibration of their instruments would give them more time to do what they had to.