Supernova on Twine Read online

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  Zane’s heart was lodged in his mouth, he was sure. Witnessing Tink fight was like watching deadly grace incarnate. He was amazing, and one thing was certain, Zane never wanted to get on Tink’s bad side.

  As soon as Tink had dispensed with the Banshan, Zane ran to embrace him. They held each other tight. Zane loved the feeling of being in his man’s arms once more, the feel of his skin and their intimate contact when their dicks touched. “I’m glad you’re all right,” he said.

  “Tink can look after himself.”

  So we saw, Motac added.

  “I know you can, Tinkles. But it doesn’t stop me from worryin’ about you, does it?”

  Tink kissed Zane.

  Their kiss lasted for what seemed an eternity, yet was only as long as needed, considering their situation. The last thing they would want right now was any more Banshan entering the induction flow room while they were still in it. Yes, their tongues danced, and Zane felt elated, light on his feet and thankful he was being held, but he was also aware of their urgency. Time for love could wait.

  They parted their kiss.

  Zane said, “Let’s blow this place and get to Mirko and Zoltan before our ugly friends return.”

  Tink nodded. “Tink hears that loud and clear.”

  With his lips tingling from the attention of his lover, Zane helped remove safety panels so they could do their sabotage work properly. Motac guided him as to what he needed to do. From what he could work out, they were basically shorting out the system, crossing the flow back onto itself to blow it up.

  After about ten minutes of working, and with alarms now blaring because they were obviously on the right track, Tink said, “It’s done. Now the fun really begins.”

  The panels sparked.

  Zane’s hand caught one of the sparks. He was burned. With a yelp, but also sucking in his pain, he let Tink escort him out of the induction flow room. Their goal—the escape pods where Mirko and Zoltan waited. Their only option was to get off Parenthesis as quickly as possible. Sure, disturbing the induction flow wouldn’t destroy the planet, but it would mean the shadow eternals wouldn’t be able to travel in time or in space. Not until their damage could be repaired.

  That was good enough for Zane.

  Chapter Seven

  Emergency entry, Zane’s implanted data storage device. Ship time, 1015. Location, Hangar bay Access Area. Date, Feb 18, 2586. Internal input.

  Wow, we showed them shadow eternals who’s the boss. We cross wired their induction flow thingy and man, did the sparks fly or what? The whole place was plunged into darkness and all hell broke loose. Tink and me and Motac then had to make our way to Mirko and Zoltan as best we could with a whole army of Banshan’s running around in a blind panic as Parenthesis entered normal space, nothing more than a useless rock like every other rock out here in space.

  “Shh, my Zane.”

  Zane was taken aback. He was certain he was entering his diary mentally. “I didn’t say anything.”

  You were mumbling, Motac complained.

  I was not.

  You were.

  “I wasn’t.” Zane said.

  “Shh,” Tink reiterated. “Tink needs to think.”

  They had come to the hangar bay access area, whether through a miracle or sheer luck, it didn’t matter. They had reached their goal. Before them were three Banshan guards, uneasy because of recent events and the fact the klaxons were still sounding. The warriors were probably trigger happy because they’d been ordered to shoot anything that so much as moved. No wonder Tink needed to think. He had to try and come up with a way of defeating not one or two, but three warriors bent on their destruction without injury to either of them.

  Zane was certain he would be of no use. The sexual fuel he’d given Motac would have run dry by now and he was back to just being a normal naked human. Then again, he could rush out like a berserker of old and slap those Banshan bastards silly with his cock. That would make them laugh so hard Tink would have plenty of time to do his worst before they recovered.

  You could cock dock with me again, beautiful. That will give you the edge you may require to conquer this obstacle.

  He was about to suggest such a strategy, because not only would blowing his load into Motac’s hungry eternal cock relieve some stress, but it would certainly give Tink something to admire. Which in turn would make his cat being boyfriend horny, resulting in even harder and sweatier loving between them all when they got off this God-forsaken place.

  Perhaps not now. Look, Zane said.

  Beyond the guards they were about to decide whether to pummel or not, and inside the hangar proper, Zane could see Mirko coming toward them. His cute ears were poking up so he could listen with intent for any danger. He was holding a blaster.

  Within a heartbeat, many shots were fired.

  Tink screamed, “Now, my Zane.” He then sprang into action, going from a dead standstill to a run as fast as lightening within a millisecond. Zane was amazed.

  Between Mirko’s blaster, Tink’s razor sharp claws and the element of surprise, the three guards were fried sushi by the time Zane arrived at the scene. “They smell like rotten chicken even when they’re dead,” he said.

  Tink patted Zane on his backside. “We must get to the pods.”

  Mirko kissed Zane. “Good to see you are well.” He looked at the burn on Zane’s hand. “Although, that will need treatment very soon.”

  “And just where would I get such a treatment? Our ship is long gone and I don’t think the shadow eternals would appreciate me using their medical facilities,” Zane said.

  “On Supernova on Twine, of course,” Mirko replied. “We have arrived.”

  We’re too late, Motac interjected. The shadow eternals can soon strike at humanity’s only defence before they take control from the damage we have done. We failed, beautiful. We failed.

  We’ll think of something, Zane said, not really believing his own words, but unable to think of anything else to keep his spirits high. They had gotten out of worse situations before. Trouble was, now the whole of humanity rested on them getting it right instead of surviving an incident by the skin of their teeth or through sheer luck.

  As if to reiterate Zane’s thoughts, Tink said, “We worry about all that later. For now, we must get out of here before the eternals attack the human defence station. Quick, my Zane, you’re with me. We only have two pods, so we must travel together.”

  Zane didn’t wait to be told again. He scrambled inside the first pod he came across. Tink squeezed in next to him. The lid was sealed. From the light up touch display, they lifted off and left Parenthesis.

  He crossed his fingers.

  Being inside a pod again was both a relief and a worry. A relief because it meant that he was getting off the crystalline planet, his body pressed close to the one man he loved with all his heart. The worry—escape pods weren’t exactly battle cruisers equipped with the latest defences or any sort of weapons to attack. An escape pod was basically clay for a clay pigeon shooter.

  Let’s just hope the eternals are still preoccupied with fixing the induction flow so we can warn the people on Supernova that they’re about to get a pounding, and not in a good way, Zane said.

  There may be one more chance for us to do such a thing.

  “What is it?” Zane said out loud, not realising he had done so until the words rang in his ears.

  “What does my Zane mean? What’s what?” Tink asked.

  “Um, Motac may have a plan.”

  “Let’s hear it.” Tink ran his hand over Zane’s skin, pulling him even closer. Their heat was intoxicating, but unlike before when he was stuck in a pod with Mirko, Zane couldn’t think of anything else but what they were going to do to get out of this mess. Strange, he knew, not to be thinking of his dick at all, but then again, if they did get out of this, he would certainly make up for lost time. He’d fuck Tink and Mirko and Zoltan and Motac in equal measure, and all night long, too.

  Motac said,
We give the humans phasing technology.

  Zane repeated what Motac said. Tink was silent for the longest time. Finally, he said, “The only phasing technology we have is inside us, my Zane.”

  Zane swallowed hard. It made sense to give the humans of the here and now such a means to defend themselves—after all, eternals couldn’t use humans as hosts or as food if they were phased. But getting the device out of him would probably mean something really unpleasant had to be done.

  As soon as Motac said his next words, Zane’s fears came true. Beautiful, I will have to dislodge the phasing device from your stomach wall so you can pass it. It’s the only way.

  Tink said, “The only way to get the device out of you is to—”

  “I know, I know. I have to shit the fucker out, right?”

  Tink nodded, cuddling up to Zane, lavishing kisses on him. He whispered, “If you thought swallowing it was difficult…forcing to leave you will be…unpleasant to say the least.”

  Tink is right. I can get the process started, but only you can do the rest.

  I know how to shit, Motac. I’ve been doing it all my life. I get a good book, sit on the crapper and wait. Simple as that, Zane said.

  “And to make matters worse, we don’t have much time. The pods are coming into the gravitational orbit of Supernova on Twine now.”

  Tink pressed a few touch controls. A flight control officer came on screen, a man with a stern uninteresting face. “State your intention, spirit folk pods. Do you plan to land here on Super?”

  Zane’s boyfriend began their landing protocol conversation. Zane didn’t catch most of what was said, because Motac had begun the process of dislodging his phase shifter.

  Why can’t Tink pass his out? Why me? Zane asked.

  Because we still need one working one, that’s why. Besides, it’s far easier for a human to pass the object.

  Why’s that?

  Because when a spirit folk ingest their own technology it becomes a part of them. For Tink to remove it from his body, he’d need to remove a large part of his intestines as well.


  Yes, ouch indeed. But never fear, you’ll be in excruciating pain as well. As a reminder of your brave action that will not only save us, but save all of humanity past, present and future.

  You’re all heart.

  The conversation with the flight controller had finished. Tink was guiding their pod to the tracking signal, a beam that would guide them to their designated landing platform. Zane felt pangs of pain shoot though him, a sensation not unlike his stomach being pulled from within. Motac must have succeeded, having fully removed the device from his stomach wall.

  Tink kissed him some more. “It will be over shortly. The phase shifter, once dislodged, will naturally make its way out of your body.”

  “Great. We’re facing certain death by an eternal threat here at the edge of human controlled space in the far future, and the only view of it I’ll get will be from a men’s room stall.”

  Motac said, You won’t have time to sit anywhere. The phase shifter will emerge soon. Probably right after we land, if not sooner.

  As soon as Motac said those words, Zane’s guts churned violently. He let out a deep groan, his eyesight blurring. He held his stomach, certain the phase shifter was wriggling about deliberately to make it hurt even more. Tink did the best to comfort him, but all Zane could think of was that scene in Alien where the thing burst out of the poor bloke’s chest—the only difference being, Zane’s alien would be coming out his back passage. What’s more, as soon as it did, they’d have to present it to the future humans to help save their lives.

  Talk about embarrassing.

  Zane didn’t know what was worse—having to crap at a desperate time with eternals on their tails, or showing the result to their new friends and allies. Still, if the spirit folk technology within him could save Supernova on Twine from the shadow eternals by phasing it so the threat could be subdued, then he was certain they wouldn’t care where it came from.

  Motac said, I will take some pain from you, bearing the brunt on your behalf.

  A spasm rocked Zane. If he’d had room he would have doubled over. Sweat covered him and Tink tried his best to ease his pain, to no avail. Again and again searing agony pulsed throughout his body.

  Zane yelled, reinforcing the pain he felt.

  Finally, with the device deep in his lower intestines, it moved into position for its final journey. Zane screamed again, as loud as his lungs would allow. He had no choice but to lift up his legs, knocking the wind out of Tink as his knees found his boyfriend’s stomach.

  A moment later, he fell into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Eight

  Emergency entry, Zane’s implanted data storage device. Ship time, unknown. Location, unknown. Date, unknown. Internal input.

  Zane’s diary recorded his thoughts even though he wasn’t fully lucid. Whether he was drugged for his own benefit or still feeling the after effects of trying to pass something which shouldn’t have been passed in the first place, he wasn’t certain.

  All he knew was, he was alive.

  He said, his voice hoarse and like gravel, “I did it. I managed to get the phase shifter out of my system without killing myself.” He looked around, vision still blurry. He was in a sort of medical unit, equipment all around him. Tink was sitting on the nearest chair, fast asleep and looking rather uncomfortable resting his head in his hands.

  I am sorry I had to knock you into unconsciousness, but it was the only way I could take away your pain, Motac said.

  Zane smiled. To hear Motac’s voice, that was reassuring and wonderful. How long have I been out?

  One full day.

  Was I…um…you know…hurt bad?

  No. The phase shifter was quite malleable, thank goodness.

  But there is something you need to know. Motac’s voice was cold and distant, in stark contrast to a few moments ago.

  What? What do I need to know?

  The door to the medical unit opened. A human stepped in, dressed in a white coat, holding a professional arrogance only doctors could ever muster. Tink was awakened by the intrusion and came to Zane straight away.

  “Tink is pleased you’re all right.” The cat being kissed Zane, but it wasn’t a kiss filled with passion and need and want all rolled into one like when he always kissed. There was a hesitation, a pause in the way he delivered his affection.

  “What’s going on here?” Zane said. If Motac hadn’t told him something was up, he would have picked up on it anyway. Tink never held back.

  Tink looked at the doctor. “Tink thinks his Zane is ready to know now.”

  Prepare yourself, beautiful.

  The doctor nodded. All of a sudden his harsh features softened, and he stepped closer. “Your arrival has been expected, Zane Carson. You—”

  Without letting the man continue, Zane sat up. “Expected?”

  Calm yourself.

  I’m not calming myself. What does he mean? What the fuck is going on here? Zane said, “How is it we’re expected?”

  The doctor patted Zane on his knee. “As soon as the planet we now know as Parenthesis entered our space, we were boarded and forced to surrender to the will of the eternals. The beings who are playing hosts to the shadows were ruthless.” The doctor paused. “Many people were murdered trying to defend our freedom. Then…then you came aboard. The eternals instructed us to give you to them as soon as you had recovered from your ordeal.”

  Zane felt a deep sadness, right in the pit of his stomach. “So I shat out a fuckin’ phase shiftin’ cucumber for nothin’?”

  Not for nothing, beautiful. There is a human underground here. They are in possession of the spirit folk technology. As far as the eternals are concerned, you’re suffering from space sickness, nothing more.

  Zane looked at Tink and grabbed hold of his hand. He could tell immediately the words Motac and the doctor spoke were all true. Tink’s eyes could never lie. With that sinking fee
ling, he also truly felt sick. But one question plagued his mind. “Are you a part of this human underground, doc?”

  The doctor nodded. “I am.” He clicked his fingers. “But as such, and as you would be perfectly aware because you have a coalition eternal within you, my identity must be maintained if I am to do greater good.”

  Zane swallowed hard. “What are you going to do?”

  Just then, the door opened. Two men entered, rolling a large device Zane knew the appearance of all too well. It was the eternal extractor. The doctor was going to remove Motac from within him and leave Zane to his own devices.

  He cannot take me from you, Motac said, his voice almost pleading. If I am gone, then the shadow eternals will have won. Their threat that has now rocked humanity here at this station will send ripples of their actions through time, coursing down through history to affect all humans that have ever lived. Zane, my beautiful, you must do something. We cannot lose here. The coalition has lost so much to get me to you. If we fail, if we let the shadow eternals win, then every human ever born from the time you swung down from the trees to when you reach your higher plane of existence five million years from now, will become, will be, eternal food and eternal slaves. We cannot let that happen.

  Zane balled his fists, overcome with anger—but not soon enough. The two assistants had already set up the extractor, charging it. What do you want me to do?


  He sprang up from the bed, his mind still filled with the confusion of his awakening. Tink must have caught on to his intentions, because he unretracted his claws, slashing at the closest white coated man to him. Blood soon stained the pristine cleanliness of the medical unit’s room—that, and screams of agony.

  Still, Zane became tangled in the sheets, his swift action attempted with too much haste and not enough thought. Motac was yelling at him, but the doctor and the other assistant had made their charge before he could free himself. He hadn’t even given Motac any of his seed to enhance his abilities after he’d awakened, either.